Combining the fish-catching action of a balsa wood body with the flash and attraction of a Vibrax® spinner, the Vibrax® Minnow Spin is sure to entice even the wariest fish into striking. A must have for any steam or lake angler, the lure swims and kicks with the additional flash of the spinner to imitate a wide variety of common baitfish to lure the most selective fish out of hiding. 4g.
Rapala Vibrax Minnow Spin
Za sve porudžbine preko 5000 dinara.
Isporuka se vrši POST EXPRES servisom. Rok isporuke 2-5 radnih dana
- Balsa wood body
- Flashy brass blade
- Shallow running < 0.6m
- Heavy-duty stainless steel shaft
- Lifelike bait imitations and attractor patterns
- Fitted with VMC® hook